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歐洲首個離散港人組織聯盟成立 歐港盟倡議委員會主席黃台仰冀整合各國資源
歐洲香港人聯盟(The European Hong Kong Diaspora Alliance)今(30日)宣布成立,聯盟由8個在歐港人組織創辦,宗旨包括為港人爭取權益、在歐洲各國議會及歐盟進行倡議工作、保育及推廣香港文化等。「自由香港協會」、歐港盟倡議委員會主席黃台仰向《光傳媒》表示,希望能整合身處歐洲各國港人組織的資源,更有效地進行倡議和文化保育工作。
The European Hong Kong Diaspora Alliance (EHKDA) Condemns Sentencing of Hong Kong 47
The European Hong Kong Diaspora Alliance (EHKDA) strongly condemns the politically motivated sentencing of 45 pro-democracy activists and politicians in the Hong Kong 47 case under the draconian National Security Law (NSL). These sentences, handed down today on November 19, represent a grave affront to the freedoms and rights of the people of Hong Kong.
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